Wire le ss Route r ADSL
2-RA240-W54 / A02-RA210-W54
whe re solutions be gin
m ode m
High-spe e d Inte rne t Ac c e ss with ADSL
IEEE802.11g Wire le ss AP(up to 54Mbps) with WEP/WPA Support
4 10/100Mbps Fa st Ethe rne t Ports (A02-RA240-W54)
VPN IPSe c End Point
SOHO Fire wa ll Se c urity with DoS
Pa re nta l c ontrol with Pa c ke t Filte ring a nd URL Bloc king
Dyna m ic DNS, Virtua l Se rve r a nd DMZ
Ea sy WEB (a nd re m ote ) m a na ge m e nt
Broadband Sharing and IPsharing
The Wireless Router ADSL supports 4 ports 10/100 Mbps auto-negotiating Fast Ethernet
for connection to your local area network (LAN) and downstream (with built-in ADSL
modem) rate up to 8Mbps. Power by NAT technology, dozens of network users can surf on
the Internet and share the ADSL connection simultaneously by using one ISP account and
With integrated IEEE802.11g WirelessAccess Point (up to 54Mbps), the device offers quick
and easy access among wired network and wireless network. The Wireless Router also
supports WPA security, it increases the level of data protection and access control for
The Wireless Router ADSL offers not only NAT but also provides powerful firewall, which
are able to filter the advanced hacker pattern. It can automatically detect and block Denial of
Service (DoS) attacks. It manages the VPNs IPSec for establishing a private tunnel over the
public Internet to ensure transmission security between two sites.
Easy Configuration and Management
Support web based GUI and Telnet for configuration and management. Also supports
remote management (Web and telnet) capability for remote user to configure and manage
this product. It incorporates besides a client Dynamic DNS.
Wire le ss Route r ADSL
A02-RA240-W54 / A02-RA210-W54
whe re solutions be gin
Applic a tion (A02-RA240-W54):
Atla ntis La nd S.p.A.
viale De Gasperi, 122
Mazzo di Rho - MI - Italy
Atla ntis La nd Fra nc e
Centre Amsterdam
57, Rue d’Amsterdam
Paris – France
ThisATLANTISLAND® Networkingproduct iswarrantedfor36monthswithimmediatesubstitution.
Due to the absolute relevance of this productATLANTIS LAND® will send directly to the final customer the
new substitutive product as soon as it will receive information about the defect and it will also retire the
previous product . For defect we mean any kind of non functioning with the exclusion of natural phenomena
and clear fraud.
Atla ntis La nd
Inte rna tiona l Sa le s Offic e
No.5, Sec.5, Hsin-Yi Road
Taipei World Trade Center
Taipei – Taiwan
The instructions for obtaining the substitution are wrote down in the hand book attached to theATLANTIS
LAND® product andonthewebsitewww.atlantis-land.com.
PRODUCT: Wireless Lan Router ADSL
CODE: A02-RA240-W54
EAN CODE: 8026974008189
Atla ntis La nd Te c hnology L.t.d.
3rd. Floor, Jonsim Palace
228 Queen’s Road East
Wanchai, Hong Kong
PRODUCT: Wireless Router ADSL
CODE: A02-RA210-W54
EAN CODE: 8026974008172
ATLANTIS LAND S.p.A. viale De Gasperi 122 - 20017 Mazzo di Rho (MI)
Com pa ny Ce rtifie d ISO 9001:2000
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